Access your Highest Potential. In the truest sense.


You + Me + Our Joint Higher Spiritual Teams

= You stepping into your most:

  • full,
  • unapologetic
  • deeply needed,
  • politicized,
  • ancestrally and lineage-driven,
  • raw,
  • righteously raging,
  • soul-grieving,
  • seed-planting,
  • community-fostering,
  • and accountable self.


A 6-month 1:1 incubator to extract you from the grips of mind supremacy and back into your body

We are accepting rolling applications.  


Your Decolonial Mentorship with Dr. Jenn


Embark on a transformative journey within our 1:1 program—an exploration rooted in the principles of:


This unique journey is an amalgamation of personalized approaches, where each element encapsulates a distinct facet of growth and self-discovery.

Picture a space dedicated to your evolution, merging coaching with tailored practices to meet your unique needs, with Ancestral Work and a politically conscious lens, forming a roadmap for personal and societal transformation.

Personal Excavation Work

Working On Your Own Shit.
NOT traditional Eurocentric Therapy. Instead, it's: Coaching + edge snatching + (insert here what YOU need).

Could be ritual work. Rage work. Grief Honoring. Energy Education. Cord-cutting... Accountability doesn’t occur in a silo.

Ancestral Work

You + Me. Your “Guides.” My “Guides.”

Your willingness to form a healthy, boundary-filled relationship with these Guides and possible Ancestors.

I help facilitate or elevate your connection. I can help jump-start the process. I can help plug you in. Think Deep, Safe, Ancestral Channeling & Honoring (in your tradition), with YOUR People.

Even if you never ever knew who “your people” are or were.

Rage & Grief Axis Work

Rage midwifery.

Do you have a relationship to your rage? Do you acknowledge it—at all? When? Really, honestly…when and how? Have you given yourself space to engage with your grief? How long? What did it feel like? Were you able to share with someone else about how devastating that last loss or break-up or even that promotion was?

Grief comes in a million ways and it is an UMBILICAL CORD to Ancestors.

I love this. I am good at this. I spent the last 25 years or so precisely assessing (spiritually and psychologically) how grief and rage get lodged in the body, infect the mind, and suffocate the spirit. Let’s do an energetic and psychological exorcism together (yeah, your girl just said exorcism).  



But truly what does that mean? What does that look like in YOUR life? With your clients? With your lover? With your activism—or lack thereof?
Picture this: Your work in the world + a deeper embodied authentically political lens. I can practically promise (but I won’t) that your practices—personally, “professionally” (what is professional anyway?), and collectively—will become more conscious of all forms of:
  • Human supremacy
  • White supremacy
  • Sexism
  • Racism
  • Colorism
  • Ageism
  • Heterosexism
  • Ableism
  • Classism
  • Sizeism
  • Ethnocentrism
  • Imperialism
  • Genocide/ Ethnocide
  • Colonialism

You can totally leave our container feeling 60% more ON IT. Activated in a HEALTHY way. Use that sacred rage to GALVANIZE & CREATE. We will go in and start based on where you ARE. (After 25+ years of “needs assessments”, triage, intakes and group and individual therapy, I know what I’m about). Let’s look at your language in how it impacts your practice and how you see yourself. Let's revolutionize your mindset and psyche.


I'm Jennifer Mullan, PsyD.

People say I am a major disruptor in the mental health industrial complex. My work is an urgent call to dive into the root of global and generational trauma to unlock the wisdom of our sacred rage. 

I birthed Decolonizing Therapy®, a psychological evolution that weaves together political, ancestral, therapeutic, and global well-being. I am also the creator of the popular Instagram account @decolonizingtherapy and recipient of Essence magazine’s 2020 Essential Hero Award in the category of mental health.

I authored “Decolonizing Therapy: Oppression, Historical Trauma & Politicizing Your Practice” which has ignited a fervent wave of acclaim and community support as a National Best Seller.

"I appreciated the facilitation and the flow of the session. Talking about how to work with the rage and grief people are moving through and acknowledging the systems that fuel the suffering is so important. It was good to talk about how to serve people as people."

Anonymous participant of our "Office Hours with Dr. Jenn" group sessions (the offer that inspired this mentorship!)

"I loved the overall discussion/tips about how to provide transformative and holistic care (my words). It is so relevant "for such a time as this." A lot of topics were covered in a relatively short period of time which was great. I always enjoy the intentionality of opening the session with land/labor acknowledgements and closing with somatic practices.

They are examples of "walking the talk," of restoring valuable things that have been lost and are necessary for our healing. "Office Hours with Dr. Jenn" was a great idea!"

Danielle Price, CEO, Conscious Nation Innovations



  • You are sick and tired of cis-hetero-patriarchal-professionalish-murderous systems of helping and care.
  • You have more to give and want to learn how to integrate the personal and political… seamlessly.
  • You want to keep creating, while honoring the deep intense loss, grief, death and anxiety that the collective society is experiencing. Understandably.


  • Ground yourself and others;
  • Engage in Energetic Hygiene practices that aren’t exploitative, impossible, or extractive of other cultures;
  • Form a healthy and boundary-filled relationship with a few of your ancestral or spiritual guides;
  • Connect to the IT that makes you YOU and how to be more of that all the friggin' time
  • Form a relationship with your sacred righteous rage—be an active participant in galvanizing and synthesizing that Protector energy;
  • Methodically and cautiously acknowledge your ancestral and personal grief and formulate a plan of metabolization and burial;
  • Engage in a reciprocal relationship that humanizes you and me (Yes, me, Dr. Jenn) and creates a safe enough container for accountability, personal & business growth and investigates feelings of inadequacy;
  • Identify clear ways to create your Authentic, Creative, Focused, Clear, Colorful, Queer (if ya are), NON-Black-and-White “brand.” Meaning: What is the IT that makes you YOU…and how to be more of that all the friggin’ time?
  • Co-create a plan of action towards accountability and community organizing OUTSIDE of our container;
  • Look at how intergenerational scarcity mindset has impacted your family, and you—and more importantly WHY. When. And now what?
  • Create a healthy peer support system.


  • Initial 90-min Welcome Connection & Depth Diving session including a custom shamanic journey to connect with and meet your Primary Power Animal
  • Twelve 1:1 Custom virtual calls with Dr. Jenn (me!) 60-75 minute call each (Scheduled on Tuesdays or Thursdays, 11 AM-5 PM ET New York Timezone) 
  • “Love-On-Your-Self Work” in between sessions
  • Special surprise gifts from Dr. Jenn & the DT Team

1.) Choose one of the following for access during your 6-month Mentorship to better support your goals in between sessions:

  • One of the Sacred Learning Trio (Rage, Grief or Boundaries), or
  • The 5 Disguises of Rage Webinar, or
  • One of the Energetics Series (Exhaustion, Rage, or Parent Wound)

2.) Tapping EFT Videos for Rage & Energy Clearing.


Our options for the Energetic Exchange this work entails 


$10,000 USD

+ Bonuses as thanks

  •  Due: Upon completion of your application! You will receive an email with a payment link. 
  • BONUS: Receive 1 complimentary Energetics of Expansion 1:1 Session.
  • You must have your bonus session booked in our calendar before your program begins.


$3,333 USD

Per payment

  •  Due: The first installment of $3,333 USD will be due upon completion of your application.  You will receive an email with a payment link. 
  • Second installment due 2 months after your first payment.
  • Third installment due 2 months after your second payment.


$1,666 USD

Per monthly payment

  • Due: The first installment of $1,666 USD will be due upon completion of your application. You will receive an email with a payment link. 
  • Then $1,666 USD once monthly for 5 months. 

  I want to join! What are my next steps?

  1. First, apply with the button below so Dr. Jenn can learn more about you. Upon completion of our form, our team will review your application. 
  2. If everyone is in alignment, our team will get you onboarded! 
  3. You will receive a Welcome Email from Dr. Jenn and the Decolonizing Therapy Team. In this email you will:
    • Get access to your bonuses,
    • Receive your payment link with the payment plan chosen,
    • If applicable, receive a scheduling link for the Bonus Energetics of Expansion 1:1 Session.  
  4. Book your initial session with the link we will send you.
Apply to the program

Terms and Disclaimer:

  • This is not therapy, nor is it supervision for therapists and mental health workers.
  • This is not a form of group or individual therapy.
  • This information is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or psychological advice. 
  • Enrolling means that you are 100% responsible for the entire program cost. 
  • You will be allotted 1 rescheduling opportunity per month for your 1:1 sessions. 
  • Sessions are subject to being rescheduled in the event of an emergency for Dr. Jenn or a global crisis. We will work with you to reschedule these promptly.
  • Your sessions must be completed within the appropriate timeframe. 
  • There are no refunds.